Blog - Proowrx Knowledge Centre


How To Choose The Best Mortgage Aggregator

In the mortgage broker industry, aggregators function as a kind of lead funnel, reducing the risk associated with secured investments for brokers. Aggregators also provide mortgage brokers with a plethora of business tools and marketing collateral to help them thrive....

Top Design Tools to Steal the Spotlight

Canva is one of the greatest design tools available whether you need to quickly put together social media graphics, create a poster for an upcoming event, or even produce a presentation. However, we think there are many Canva substitutes.  Let’s talk about the top 5...

Why Data Security Is Important While Outsourcing?

Why is data security becoming a popular issue for outsourcing? Since 57% of companies worldwide outsource part of their essential functions, protecting sensitive data is necessary. Content Table1. What are the benefits of Outsourcing?2. How do data breaches occur? 3....
How Videos Can Be a Powerful Marketing Tool for Your Business
How Videos Can Be a Powerful Marketing Tool for Your Business

A video is a simple yet powerful marketing tool for communicating with your audience. 86% of marketing professionals said they used video as a marketing strategy, with 78% saying it directly increased sales for their company. 86% of respondents claimed that videos...

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How to Choose the Right Mortgage Broker
How to Choose the Right Mortgage Broker

A right mortgage broker is like a helpful guide who assists people looking to buy a home in finding the best loan rates. Instead of you having to reach out to each lender for rate quotes, the broker does all the work. They usually get paid by the lender you choose or...

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Mortgage Industry Trends in 2024
Mortgage Industry Trends in 2024

In 2024, the mortgage business will be at a crossroads of innovation and transition, ushering in an era of technology developments, sustainability efforts, and regulatory adaptability. This blog delves into the broad mortgage trends that are altering the sector,...

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Payroll Tax: Pain Of Mortgage Brokers
Payroll Tax: Pain Of Mortgage Brokers

Hi everyone, though Proowrx has highlighted many core topics of outsourcing, accounting, etc till now, in this blog, we will talk about the current payroll tax pain of mortgage brokers.  What you will find in this blog: Key Highlights On April 12, 2024, the case...

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Common Risk To Your Financial Reporting Quality
Common Risk To Your Financial Reporting Quality

Financial reporting is crucial for businesses at every stage of growth, but for those that are expanding fast, it becomes much more so. Precise financial statements are the foundation for: Realising the actual state of your company's finances. Choosing wisely in...

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Must-Have Operational Productivity Tools 
Must-Have Operational Productivity Tools 

Every time, we all aim to be more productive. Everybody is attempting to work lesser hours and accomplish more. But keep in mind that sustained productivity requires more than just one person's efforts. And for that reason, using productivity tools makes...

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Top Digital Tech Trends
Top Digital Tech Trends

As a futurist, it’s our job to look ahead- so in our toolkit articles, we try to cover the emerging tech trends shaping our digital world.  What technologies are gaining traction? How should business leaders prepare for the trends of the future? The current...

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In-House Accounting Vs. Outsourcing? Find Your Perfect Fit.
In-House Accounting Vs. Outsourcing? Find Your Perfect Fit.

Warm greetings to all our readers. Happy winters!! With a cup of coffee, sitting in a cozy corner, if you are reading this blog, this means that your firm is facing an accounting problem. “Accounting is the language of business”- Warrant Buffet.  So let’s talk about...

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